Ultrafiltration elements for power industry in Baltic

This quarter was completed a regional reconstruction project in a strategic client site with   DuPont Integratec P (Dizzer XL) ultrafiltration elements. Service includes system inspection and maintenance as well as new batch ultrafiltration membranes supply and replacement jobs and final system adjustment and start-up.

 Duration of supply chain cycle- 4 weeks after order release.

Thanks to strategically located partner DuPont stocks worldwide and the ProcessPro team’s experience in planning logistics issues, the service team’s long-year experience in areas with strategic industrial sites, the system delivery, installation, and inspection jobs were concluded in extra short terms.

About ultrafiltration elements used in the project:

DuPont (Xylem group) IntegraTEC P Serie (Dizzer XL) ultrafiltration elements- deepest filtration and cleaning performances, innovative technologies, longevity at one product line, and more than 35-e years of research experience and product development.

Dizzer XL  Uf elements (T-RAC version also possible according to your configuration) – the first choice of our industrial clients’ sites in most regions we serve.

In cooperation with Dupont (Filmtec) for more than 10 years, in the region, we installed and supplied several important major projects.

Elements successfully operated today with minimum efforts and extra services outside, just keeping the recommendations of the producer.

Solutions we provide based on deep analysis of client system requirements, budgets, and systems targets to be reached. In most cases, providing know-how and technical solutions are confirmed also by producer technologists side case-to-case.

Ultrafiltration elements Dupont Integratec (Dizzer XL) -ultrafiltration advantages in your site

To get a detailed proposal please contact us:
